Why We Won't Get Out Of Bed For Less Than £5k


Trust us, you don't want your immersive experience to be cheap. Cheap means underprepared, under planned, and invariably over-egged.

There is nothing worse than bad immersive theatre, and there is nothing on earth like good immersive theatre. It has the unique ability to transport us to a different reality, where we can try on another skin, see the world anew. You talk about a good immersive experience for the rest of your life, because stories transport us, because play is powerful.

To create a whole world full of rich characters, antagonists and protagonists, transformative storylines, all takes time, and that takes money.

Here's a whistle-stop tour of how we work: we consult to define the brief, turn that brief into a story world, then we script, cast, and rehearse. We have producers, a wardrobe department, set, props, hair and make up, choreographers, AD's, directors, stage managers, and the best immersive actors in the world, all working together to tell our story.

This is the recipe for a good immersive experience. Or rather, this is our recipe for a good immersive experience. Others will have a very different process, some will have no process at all. We insist on this to keep our actors safe- to cloak them in the certainty of their new world, and we do that so we can keep our audiences safe. 

Our top 5 immersive insights (for free):

  • A press release is not a script.

  • 5 actors in a room does not an immersive experience make.

  • An actor cannot perform well without preparation.

  • Nothing makes sense without story.

  • Everyone hates bad immersive theatre.

 So here's to investing in quality. To paying creatives. To making unforgettable experiences.