The Magic Of The Rehearsal Room


We are incredibly lucky to spend much of our lives in the rehearsal room. It's a special place governed by rules that keep us safe and free, open to ourselves, to each other.

Ensembles are groups of strangers thrown together, often in short amounts of time, they need to work together quickly and harmoniously to create work. The magic that happens in this space, the bonding, transformative, brilliant, creative collaboration is down to the fostering of a very special environment. 

Our top 5 tips to inspire a creative, collaborative environment


Because it’s in the moment, where everything happens.


With a willingness to be changed by what you hear.


Accept each others’ offers, build on ideas, don’t block them.


Let go of having the right answer, be curious.


Working within confines will set you free.

These lessons are not taught, they are experienced. Your rational mind should stay out of it. Rather, you experience feedback from your body and from your emotions, altering you on a more profound level.

Despite racking up thousands of hours in rehearsals we still get jitters, the glorious nerves of the first morning, knowing you can never prepare or plan for what's coming, it's a journey all are on. We'll all learn, we'll all fail, we'll all soar. It's just the best place on earth. And we're blessed to share it with many madly talented people.

For more information on what we call Lessons from the Rehearsal Room get in touch here