Move Through It - A Creative Workshop for Artists

Reuben Feels’ creative workshop Move Through It is an opportunity to come together and play, holding space to process what has been a tough year for many. Running 17th May-21st May 2021, 10am-3pm, there are 10 places available with submissions to be in by 30th April. By way of giving back to the creative community we love so much, we are offering places to the workshop at no charge.

Across the 5 days the program will include somatic techniques, improvisation, and choreography, to film content we've created on the last day as a take away. The focus is storytelling, dance and movement so these need to be areas of interest, if not mad skills.



10:00am - Gather

10:20 - Morning Pages

10:30am - The Non-Linear Movement Method®

11:30am - Improvisation Exercise: part 1


1:00pm - Improvisation Exercise: part 2

1:45pm - Devised choreography/storytelling

3:00pm - Home

We understand auditions and work come in last minute so at this stage expressions of interest will put you on our waiting list.


Location: Ample Space, Hackney Wick

Dates: 17th - 21st May

Times: 10am - 3pm

Cost: free of charge; we ask for your full availability across the workshop

From us Feelers, we salute you.