Mama & Baby Groovement


Our Creator of Play Natalie is very excited to be leading a Mama & Baby Groovement session, getting Mama's (Papas) and Baby moving and grooving together.

Benefits include releasing of endorphins through the simple joy of movement, release of tension for Mama (shoulders, hips, neck, back….) through simple guided moves, all the while connecting with Baby through breath, eye contact, gentle movement and play. Mama's are encouraged to bring Baby’s favourite toy or rattle to play with as we groove along to the music.

Babies are perfect at breathing, stretching, and playing, existing beautifully in the moment.  So as much as we can guide them through this Groovement session, they can guide us. Natalie had Talulah in August and really felt the physical, spiritual and mental benefits of grooving throughout her pregnancy (attending several day raves!) and hoped that from the womb she would enjoy it too. It’s been just as important to keep grooving since her arrival, with a mindful approach, letting the body ease on back to its former glory!

Mamas can book here and we look forward to seeing you on the dance floor!